Understanding the Way of Faith
September 2024 Supplication / Pray for the National Election Conference messages – 1-Worship - Presenting Your Body A Living Sacrifice; 2-Christian Conscience and the Vote; 3-We Vote for Who We Are; 4-Seed Replacement Therapy; 5-Think of Yourself As a Magnet; 6-Mastering Thoughts and Feelings
When Your Heart Is God's Fortress
August 2024 Weekly Downloads and Videos – 1-The Prayer of Faith; 2-When Your Heart Is God's Fortress; 3-Believing Is Acting On the Word of God; 4-Learning How to Pray; 5-What God Has Already Done; 6-What Will God Do for You Today?; 7-The Church Is Limiting God; 8-The Privilege of Being Jesus' Friend
The Fasted Life
May 2024 Weekly Downloads and Videos – 1-The Knowing of Prayer, Power and Praise; 2-The Knowing of Fasting; 3-Living the Fasted Life; 4-What Is Fasting?; 5-Look At the Lives of Those That Fasted; 6-A True Fast Is A Pure Fast; 7-The Ministry of Jesus Christ Today; 8-Jesus, Your Advocate
Prophetic Ministries Prayer Seminar
Understanding the core issue of a prayer is essential to praying the correct type of prayer and seeking the Lord's direction for what should be prayed. Seminar topics include that it's your life character that prays, what God says about national prayer, things to know when praying for healing, prayer conditions, and different rules for different kinds of prayer. The Holy Spirit said that if we, as a group, prayed and fasted, that others in the Body of Christ would receive the revelation of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and will begin to do the same!
Weekly Downloads of the Month - June 2023
June 2023 Weekly Downloads and Videos – 1-Spiritual Things Are As Real As Material Things; 2-Understanding Spiritual Realms; 3-All the Promises of God Are Yes for Us; 4-Becoming Sons of God; 5-Believing In the Lord Jesus; 6-Seeking the Supernatural Riches of God; 7-Fellowship In the Gospel; 8-When Our Prayers Become More Powerful
September 2021 Prophecy
Every time a new evil emerges, or people think that the mark of the beast is upon them, they falsely declare individuals to be the antichrist. We are always in situations today that are precursors to such a time, but we must look today at prophecy with enlightened eyes, instead of the predictions of false prophets. Includes these messages: 1-Only By Divine Revelation; 2-Let the Holy Spirit Guide You; 3-The Middle of the End-Times; 4-Where Is the Church Today?
Building Up Your Spirit
The condition of your human spirit is connected to your ability to be led of the Holy Spirit, hear the voice of God, and have the personal strength you need to conquer all of your life’s challenges. This series will help you to strengthen your spirit and live with ease in the Lord. Includes these messages: 1-Readiness, the God Ordained Way; 2-God's Perfect Will in Prayer; 3-Prayer Mysteries; 4-Prophecy
2020 Prophecy Explanation
Miriam Hellman explains the nature and the function of the Light of Life and the Dark Light, giving the role of the elect and truth in today's world. Includes these messages: 1-God Is Light; 2-What is Light and Darkness?; 3-Light is Life, Darkness is Death; 4-Walking in The Light Pleases God
prophwdThe Intercessor
In this classic series, Miriam Hellman ministers the divine requirements for effective intercessory prayer. Includes: 1-The Intercessor; 2-Requirements for Intercession; 3-Attitudes for Effective Intercession; 4-Excesses of Intercessory Prayer
prophwdThe Prophetic Word
Miriam Hellman explains the nature and purpose of prophecy and shows how God intends it to function in the Body of Christ today. A Christian classic for every believer. Includes these messages: 1-The Spirit of Prophecy-Part 1 & 2; 2-Moving in the Spirit-Part 1 & 2; 3-Pray to Prophesy-Part 1 & 2; 4-Prophecy and Prayer; 5-A Place of Revelation.
intercessionIntercession, Lifeline for Eternal Purposes
Miriam Hellman ministers keys to effective intercession to help you fulfill God's eternal purposes for your life.
secretsofintSecrets of Intercession
Miriam Hellman ministers from a wealth of personal experience to bring you into a greater understanding of all that is involved in true intercession. She emphasizes that your life in Christ is the key to all successful prayer.
praywhsPraying With The Holy Spirit
The prayer that brings results is the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man who has learned to pray with the Spirit. (James 5:16, I Cor. 14:15)
The Divine Equation
Miriam Hellman presents the Lord’s Prayer as a divine equation based upon your personal relationship with God. Includes: 1-My Father’s Love; 2-Earthly Shepherd – Heavenly King; 3-The Divine Equation
crownThe Crown – No Substitute for Victory
Victory is a crown the Lord intends for His children. Following the truth and light presented here will crown your life with glorious victory. Includes these messages: 1-Fret Not; 2-A Living Celebration; 3-How to Eat Faith Food; 4-Ease in Glory; 5-Sparked to Revival; 6-No Substitute for Victory.
prayersPrayers that Multiply
Miriam Hellman explains the different kinds of prayer and the importance of understanding which kind of prayer - and its specific requirements - are necessary for success.
Deborah Mission
Miriam Hellman’s mission to the land and people of Israel is a model of apostolic commission for eternal purposes.
Recovery of the Beast
A prophetic series to strengthen the saints for things that are coming upon the earth.
God’s Prophetic Timeclock
Strategic events concerning the Lord’s return and the role of the Church in bringing back the King so you will know what time it is in God.
achangeA Change of Season
Preparation for changing times and grace to bring you through. Includes: 1-A Change of Season; 2-The Glory Unveiled in Us; 3-Grace in the End of Days; 4-A Greater Taste of the Heavenly Cause; 5-Grace, Alignment, and Loyalty; 6-The State of Grace
Praying Detectives
Let the Holy Spirit refine your ability in prayer and bring you into a greater place of revelation. Includes these messages: 1-Revealers of Life; 2-The Active Art of Praying; 3-Praying Detectives; 4-The Gift of Grace in the Heart.
The Storehouse of Grace
Jesus said, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28) These messages bring more grace and rest your way. Includes: 1-Grace for the Task; 2-The Storehouse of Grace; 3-Store a Foundation Against the Day; 4-Rest – Where God Fixes His Presence.
opendrThe Open Door the Empty Tomb
Miriam Hellman takes you into a richer experience of Jesus' resurrection and your own.
godisblowingGod Is Blowing His Trumpet
A prophetic study of the future end-time events prophesied through the Feasts of the Lord. Includes these messages: 1 – A Trumpet To The Nations; 2 – What Time Is It?; 3 – The Trumpet Call is Upon Us; 4 – Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement; 5 – Jesus and the Feast of Tabernacles; 6 – An Exodus For His Glory.
I Come AlbumAfikommen – “I Come!”
The prophetic significance of Israel’s Spring Feasts, fulfilled in Jesus, our Passover. Includes these messages: 1-The Unleavened Life; 2-Passing Over; 3-Afikommen- “I Come!”; 4-Hear The Trumpet Call; 5-Remembering the Feasts of Tabernacles.
livingProphLiving a Prophetically Led Life
Hearing the Lord and following Him involves a keen understanding of His voice and leadings in your life. Includes these messages: 1-Salvation and Purpose Are in the Lord’s Leadings; 2-Faith Is Required To Follow the Lord; 3-Living A Prophetically Led Life; 4-Speak Lord, Yor Servant Hears.
schlProph_1The School of the Prophets Vol. I
Prophecy, the declaration of God’s will, is foundational to all the gifts of the Spirit. The School of the Prophets is for everyone, teaching practical knowledge of the Godhead and ministering the miraculous, so you can have the testimony of Jesus – the prophetically led life. Includes these messages: 1-School of the Prophets Defined; 2-Believing and Receiving the Testimony of Jesus; 3-Prophetic Utterance Provides Anointing; 4-Receiving the Prophetic Word.
schProph2_using MIrBrkUsing the Miracle Brick – School of the Prophets Vol II
This album contains prophetic instruction in the understanding of the prophetic word, which is the miracle brick of the word of wisdom and a foundation stone for gifts of healing. Includes these messages: 1-Word of Wisdom; 2-Begin With A Miracle Brick; 3-Prophecy, the Higher Skill; 4-The Spiritual Position of Using Gifts of Healing.
ScjProph3The Holy Spirit Gives Prophetic Prayers – School of the Prophets Vol III
Prophetic prayer is needed today. Let the Holy Spirit bring you into your own prophetic work with words of knowledge, discernment and faith equal to the task He wants accomplished in the earth. Includes these messages: 1-Joining Prophetic Battles; 2-The Spirit Searches the Deep Things of God; 3-The Spirit Perfects Our Prayers; 4-Our Prophetic Work is to See, Understand, and Pray It Through.
SchProph4The Prophetic Walk – School of the Prophets Vol IV
Your life should be a walk ordained for you by the Holy Spirit. This series will quicken you to recognize your walk before God and develop your personal walk in the Spirit. Includes these messages: 1-The Walk In the Spirit For Your Life; 2-The Prophetic Walk Is Directed Into God’s Purpose; 3-The Holy Spirit’s Role in Establishing Your Spiritual Walk; 4-Your Responsibility Is To Walk Out Your Prophetic Word.
pray4pcJerPray for the Peace of Jerusalem
Let us be aware of what God has told us about Israel and Jerusalem, where He has placed His name and planned its eternal purpose. Includes these messages: 1-Abraham and His Descendants; 2-The Prophetic Re-Gathering of Israel; 3-Israel Prophecies Present and Future.
tonguesTongues, Our Supernatural Ally
The gift of tongues is our supernatural way of obtaining the perfect answer to the things that concern us, for through the tongues of the Spirit, the way to achieve the best answer is brought forth by the perfect will of God in ways that no man could know. This amazing series is filled with truths that will set you on a new and glorious course for your life. Includes these messages: 1-The Holy Spirit Intercedes Through You; 2-Sighings of the Spirit in Us; 3-Connecting Supernaturally With God; 4-Praying In the Spirit Is A Must.
raptureThe Still, Small Voice
Miriam shares practical knowledge about how the Lord communicates personally to your spirit by way of your mind to help you reach into the realm of emergency faith for future situations.
rapturePrayer and You
Do your part to see your prayer answered. Miriam shares about stilling the chatter, the constant thoughts bombarding your mind, also making sure you are talking with the Lord instead of to Him, and other keys to your prayer becoming effectual.