Thank you for giving to Prophetic Ministries.

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The Lord has promised to pour His Spirit upon the offerings and upon the seed of those who financially support Prophetic Ministries. The Scriptural reference is Isaiah 44, but this is a word of promise, a rhema word that the Lord spoke directly to Miriam Hellman by the Holy Spirit. We rejoice to see Him work miracles in these realms for His glory!

Dear Friends and Partners in His Apostolic Work,
Surely, this is a time to not forsake the assembling of the elect. On all fronts, the battle for the age to come, the time of Jesus' kingdom on this earth, is about to begin. Tribulation and afflictions of various types are assaulting every one of us. We need the Lord and one another more than ever.
As we look at our hands and feet and consider how our lives would be if our fingers, thumbs, or toes were separated from our body for weeks and months at a time, so it is with this ministry. Together in fellowship, we remain strong in the Lord and the power of His might. We remain focused on our true purpose and calling. Decision is the cornerstone of faith that enables us to do all things we need to do through Christ Jesus who strengthens us.
Continue to sow your seed in the ground. Be grounded and settled in the blessing that comes forth from continuing to supply the ministry of the Lord, remembering that with the same measure you give, the same measure is given back to you. As you give, let love, peace, thankfulness and gratitude be full in your heart, and let it be joined in spirit with your gift so that all those kinds of blessings may be returned as a portion of your prosperity.
In the love of Jesus,
"I want to thank you for your ministry. I notice that every time I have given to Prophetic Ministries, I have gotten a quick financial return!"

"Thank you, Miriam and Prophetic Ministries, for your obedience to the Holy Spirit and your keen understanding and stewardship of what God has called and anointed you for."

“Don’t know of a better investment for my money!”

"I may not talk to Miriam for months at a time, but when I download the monthly messages, we’re on the same page with the Holy Spirit."