2024 Prophecy - A Nation Fractured
The prophetic word for 2024 given by Miriam Hellman.
Weekly Downloads of the Month - November 2023
November 2023 Weekly Downloads and Videos – 1-Becoming Triumphant in Christ; 2-Having Dominion Over Evil Is Our Destiny; 3-Initiating the Transformed Life in You; 4-The Power of the Resurrection Is In You; 5-The Sword of the Spirit; 6-Victory By the Blood of Jesus; 7-Knowing the Grace That Makes Us Triumphant; 8-Inheriting Your Inheritance In Jesus
Inheriting Your Inheritance in Jesus
Far greater than any natural inheritance is the spiritual inheritance given to every born again Christian that is meant to flow naturally throughout our lives because of Jesus Christ.
Knowing the Grace That Makes Us Triumphant
See how deciding to live by faith every day and in every situation releases the supernatural protection and power needed for your victory.
Victory By the Blood of Jesus
When our mind is renewed to the victory of His blood in every area of our life, then we can never be defeated.
Sword of the Spirit
Jesus used our only weapon, The Word of God, against temptation. Learn how your voice can carry the power of the anointing to break the yoke of Satan in your situation.
The Power of the Resurrection Is In You
To be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, you must have this revelation, for the power of God is released from your mouth speaking the Word of God.
Initiating the Transformed Life in You
Live by the renewed mind, with the Word of God always preeminent in your life. All your victories come from the Word continually coming out of your mouth and you acting in faith, applying it personally to your life.
Having Dominion Over Evil Is Our Destiny
God has ordained for the overcoming church He builds to judge and replace fallen angels. The truths in this message will set you free and keep you triumphant throughout your life!
Becoming Triumphant in Christ
Open your heart to believe and receive the victory already won by Jesus. When you understand the bonds of the law of death were broken, you can go forward delivered in the blessings of redemption.
Prophetic Ministries Prayer Seminar
Understanding the core issue of a prayer is essential to praying the correct type of prayer and seeking the Lord's direction for what should be prayed. Seminar topics include that it's your life character that prays, what God says about national prayer, things to know when praying for healing, prayer conditions, and different rules for different kinds of prayer. The Holy Spirit said that if we, as a group, prayed and fasted, that others in the Body of Christ would receive the revelation of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and will begin to do the same!
Weekly Downloads of the Month - October 2023
October 2023 Weekly Downloads and Videos – 1-Being Sent to Ariel Sharon; 2-The Thousand Dollar Offering; 3-The Crooked Spine; 4-Hanuman, the Monkey God; 5-When The Bullet Moved; 6-The Miracle House in Kensington; 7-My Mother's Healing; 8-My Salvation Testimony; 9-My Elijah Experience in Israel; 10-The Testimony of Jesus Is the Spirit of Prophecy
The Testimony of Jesus Is the Spirit of Prophecy
The spirit of Jesus is always moving into the will of God, for God is always ready to move. Miriam summarizes the elements in her testimonies that free you to move in the Lord as a willing candidate He can use for His glory.
My Elijah Experience in Israel
New Agers were amazed beyond anything they had ever seen when a woman they brought to me for prayer was immediately healed of cancer. They had testimonies, too, and wanted to know how this was possible, for their source of spiritual power is different from ours. Learn from my testimony demonstrating the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and His wonder-working power.
My Salvation Testimony
My heart said “yes” with the revelation that receiving Jesus as Savior and Lord is surrendering one’s life to Him in total surrender to all righteousness.
My Mother’s Healing
If miracles such as these are available today and happening in my home and neighborhood, then I owed it to myself to find out how it is possible. Deciding to search this out myself is part two of my salvation testimony.
The Miracle House in Kensington
I saw how God went all the way with me even when I didn’t know Him personally, and this is what put me on the path of always knowing He’ll always go all the way with me as I go all the way with Him.
When the Bullet Moved
Many elements had to be right for the Holy Spirit to permeate Hadassah Hospital, saving lives from injury, fear, and doubt that the Lord was with them. Understand the aspects involved in certain settings for the miraculous to take place, for things that are impossible in the natural may require the obedience of others.
Hanuman, Hinduism's Monkey God
A Hindu priest was shocked when my God let me see what his god was doing to him. Learn from the vision and the work of the Spirit that released him from hell’s designs.
The Crooked Spine
Acknowledge the gifts of God when deciding things in your household. The discerning of spirits saved us from great loss in a testimony filled with lessons in decision making.
The Thousand Dollar Offering
Find strength for a new level of courage. A testimony of a miracle offering repeated in my life as I went from one comfort zone to the next in obedience to the Lord.
Being Sent to Ariel Sharon
This testimony of God looking out for the nation of Israel had a powerful impact on history. Elements of apostolic ministry prepare us for divine assignments that will save in the days ahead.
Weekly Downloads of the Month - September 2023
September 2023 Weekly Downloads and Videos – 1-The Stealing Spirit; 2-The Funny Little Feeling; 3-Two Houses in Israel; 4-The Call to the Mountain; 5-When You Need Help; 6-Buying The Volvo; 7-God Provides in Advance; 8-Supernatural Tongues
Supernatural Tongues
You don’t often hear this kind of testimony, yet speaking in tongues that are heard supernaturally in other languages is the significant demonstration of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. This gift may come to the forefront in the very near future.
God Provides in Advance
Miracle homes before we knew we needed them show God’s amazing care for a family during Hurricane Katrina. Coming to grips with the thoughts and ways of God is how we mature in the things of God and how marvelous provisions and the exceeding greatness of His power comes our way.
Buying The Volvo
Many things God wants to do for and through us will require a number of steps and patience. Learn from my testimony about working with the Lord to allow a divine process to finish.
When You Need Help
Many times, the promises of God are unrealized in our life because we neglect an aspect of His leading that we don't think makes sense. Grow in recognizing God’s thoughts for perfect provision, even in advance of your need.
The Call to the Mountain
A major element about unusual leadings is that many times, the Lord is trying to speak to us, prepare us for something, or use us in a particular way, and we are oblivious to the fact that He is trying to get our attention. Learn to pay attention to each step, for the answer comes after you take it.
Two Houses in Israel
A testimony of provision from believing both the written and the rhema Word of God. Your provision is in the Lord, who knows where He wants you to be living and arranges everything according to the purposes of your life in Him.
The Funny Little Feeling
An important testimony about the voice and leading of God that saved my daughter from a bus bombing shows how God's safety net is provided for us in a dangerous day.
The Stealing Spirit
Answers to "What now, Lord?" made thieves return my handbag when stealing spirits obeyed me!
Weekly Downloads of the Month - August 2023
August 2023 Weekly Downloads and Videos – 1-The Miracle Home; 2-Healing of the Crown Prince; 3-The Boy Who Danced; 4-The Maimed Are Healed; 5-Desiring To Be Used; 6-Healing Through Prayer Cloths; 7-Healing Visions: Casserole Dish and Black Fungus; 8-Syrian Revival; 9-Victim of Suicide Bombing
Victim of Suicide Bombing
The awesome testimony of being sent to an Israeli soldier in need of a miracle shows that when God is involved, nothing can stop Him.
Syrian Revival
What happens when the Lord sends us? He endorses His messengers and answered a pastor’s prayer for miracles and revival in Syria!
Healing Visions: Casserole Dish and Black Fungus
Staying with God in a matter is key to freeing lives from torment through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Healing Through Prayer Cloths
As God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul, I share my testimony of receiving the anointing for prayer cloths that continues unto this day.
Desiring To Be Used
It takes a true desire of the heart and not just "I'd like to” to do the works of Jesus. Testimonies of healings hold keys to the miraculous and show spiritual desires fulfilled.
The Maimed Are Healed
We should believe again that with God, ALL THINGS are possible, including the healing of the maimed. Ministry in India to a huge crowd, where many were missing limbs, demonstrates God can do anything and everything!
The Boy Who Danced
When God created a new leg for a crippled Indian boy, He demonstrated the importance of the hearing of faith. Let the anointing create the hearing of faith in you, for creative miracles need our cooperation and participation.
Healing of the Crown Prince
When ten men wheeled a quadriplegic into Kuwait’s Christian Compound, I knew that God had set the stage for a miracle. Follow the amazing steps in this creative miracle that released him from paralysis.
The Miracle Home
Concern about money holds lots of things up. Money was not the issue in obtaining our home; the only issue was obedience to the leadings of the Holy Spirit. See in this testimony that “With God, all things are possible” means they are possible with His guidance.
Weekly Downloads of the Month - July 2023
July 2023 Weekly Downloads and Videos – 1-Seeking the Lord; 2-Seeking the Kingdom Salvation; 3-Kingdom of God Priorities; 4-Covenant Promises of Supply; 5-Meaning of Entering the Kingdom of God; 6-Living Life from the Kingdom; 7-Revelation of the Keys of the Kingdom; 8-The Key of Knowledge; 9-Keys of Life
Keys of Life
Jesus has given us keys that work by way of our mouths, causing things to come into being. The key He is and those we use will determine the beginning and the end of things, opening doors, opportunities, and many different kinds of blessings.
The Key of Knowledge
Seeking is a key, for what you seek, you shall find. Exercise faith for the knowledge you need to fulfill your position in the world and know God more than you know Him at the moment.
Revelation of the Keys of the Kingdom
To know the keys of the Kingdom and how to use them enables you to be a gatekeeper with power to open a door to Heaven - or close a door to the enemy. Miriam reveals the master key to how things work in the spiritual realm.
Living Life from the Kingdom
Endeavor to live as those in the Kingdom and see all things working together for you, for it’s your ability to enter and function in the Kingdom that brings the greatest blessings in life.
Meaning of Entering the Kingdom of God
Miracles come forth when one can see and enter the Kingdom of God by virtue of their spiritual birth into the realm of God’s supernatural. The purpose of your new birth is to live where miracles and the supernatural are a normal part of your believing life!
Covenant Promises of Supply
God has promised to answer every need, financial and otherwise, out of His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, but it’s not for us to choose the way in which we want to be answered. God is faithful to us and faithful to fulfill His promises as we are faithful to His covenant.
Kingdom of God Priorities
If we do the first things, God will take care of the other things. Aligning your life with God and the purpose for your life is the principle by which what we need - and what God needs for us to have - is provided for us.
Seeking the Kingdom Salvation
Acknowledging the Lord in every fiery trial and temptation helps us grow tremendously, for what God thinks we need and what we think we need can differ.
Seeking the Lord
Hear Jesus’ approach to God that provides all our earthly needs. Matthew 6 is a capsule reference to what living the Christian life offers in this world.
Weekly Downloads of the Month - June 2023
June 2023 Weekly Downloads and Videos – 1-Spiritual Things Are As Real As Material Things; 2-Understanding Spiritual Realms; 3-All the Promises of God Are Yes for Us; 4-Becoming Sons of God; 5-Believing In the Lord Jesus; 6-Seeking the Supernatural Riches of God; 7-Fellowship In the Gospel; 8-When Our Prayers Become More Powerful
When Our Prayers Become More Powerful
Our prayer changes as we progress on our spiritual path, for we are answered as we grow in the consciousness of God’s power available in us.
Fellowship in the Gospel
Learn the value of sacred exchanges with your spiritual family. We’re called to share the union we have with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit with one another in the communion of saints.
Seeking the Supernatural Riches of God
Jesus came that you might have an abundant life from His supernatural riches. They may not be spectacular, but this message teaches how they come for a rich life among the spiritually richest people In the world.
Believing in the Lord Jesus
Ask yourself where you have not believed in the Lord but are still believing in an outcome. The difference between believing on what He has done and believing in Him increases your relationship with the Lord and brings you into greater personal experiences with Him.
Becoming Sons of God
Seek the ability to grasp the divine solution to any problem. It is the call of the Spirit and the need of the day that we become like what is normal for Jesus.
All the Promises of God Are Yes for Us
When a promise is outside of your spiritual experience, learn to seek with the help of the Holy Spirit the next spiritual level of “yes” for you.
Understanding Spiritual Realms
God’s spiritual realm has many dimensions that we are invited to enter through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Hear the Spirit calling you to come up higher, where you can see the door to heaven open to you, as it did for John!
Spiritual Things Are As Real As Material Things
All creation has its foundation in the spiritual realm of God. Become familiar with both the eternal and natural worlds and their interactions.
Weekly Downloads of the Month - May 2023
May 2023 Weekly Downloads and Videos – 1-The Supernatural Word of Wisdom; 2-Divine Knowledge; 3-Discerning of Spirits; 4-The Gifts of Healing Are Divine; 5-Healing Is Received In Many Ways; 6-The Laying On of Hands; 7-The Gift of Faith; 8-The Meaning of Heart Belief; 9-Desiring A Supernatural Life
Desiring A Supernatural Life
God wants His people to turn their attention back to the purposes and works He has foreordained for them. The life you’re now living may become more supernaturally-led as you receive new graces for all that is involved.
The Meaning of Heart Belief
Learn to believe apart from your mind and your body, speaking from your heart what the Word of God says is true, not what you or others think or say, for heart belief is a part of you. Until you think in terms of spiritual reality as being real, you will not be able to use the spirit realm for your benefit.
The Gift of Faith
Covet earnestly this best and most important gift that does everything, allowing us to receive and to work miracles by the supernatural power of God!
The Laying On of Hands
Miraculous results come from believing in this means of transmitting God’s healing power to another. The anointing that is released, into bodies or cloths, establishes God’s dominion over sickness and disease.
Healing Is Received In Many Ways
Receiving is always the issue. You’ll understand many “Why” and “Why not” questions concerning healing that are answered in this message.
The Gifts of Healing Are Divine
Healing is part of your salvation, not a matter of prayer. Learn about God’s supernatural ways that bring healing to you and others by opening the heart to receive.
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Discerning of Spirits
Seeing into the spirit realm is revelation from the Holy Spirit that allows us to deal with spirits directly.
Divine Knowledge
Become refined in identifying the operations of the Holy Spirit and how His words of knowledge come to you. You’ll receive greater confidence in yourself as a recipient of His gifts.
The Supernatural Word of Wisdom
You might be given supernatural wisdom and not even be aware of it. Learn about the words of wisdom and knowledge to become comfortable with God's supernatural means of guidance.
Weekly Downloads of the Month - April 2023
April 2023 Weekly Downloads and Videos – 1-By Faith, Enoch Was Translated; 2-Praying With the Holy Spirit; 3-Guidance By the Inner Witness; 4-The Authority of the Believer; 5-Recognizing Your Authority; 6-The Cross Is the Power of God; 7-Entering Into Eternal Things; 8-You Have Been Spiritually Gifted; 9-Ignorance Is a Thief
Ignorance Is a Thief
When we are ignorant of what Jesus did for us on the cross, or how God can help us now, we are without access to our spiritual benefits and open for deception.
You Have Been Spiritually Gifted
If you’ve been baptized in the Holy Spirit, you’ve received enhanced spiritual giftings for fulfilling God’s purpose in your life. Grow in knowledge and awareness of the gifts He placed in you and how to bring them forth in the earth.
Entering Into Eternal Things
What deters you from entering into the field of all possibilities? Unload whatever hinders you from entering the eternal realm of the Kingdom of God. This enables you to go through whatever you may have to go through for the love of God.
The Cross Is the Power of God
Become one with the authority of Jesus’ cross as the established means of reconciliation and by which we overcome suffering and atrocities. We cannot minister divine hope without understanding the cross of Jesus.
Recognizing Your Authority
Discover what makes your authority in Jesus completely effective so that spirits obey you.
The Authority of the Believer
A foundation of authority is at the core of your spiritual inheritance, crucial to a victorious, overcoming life in Christ, the key to seeing loved ones saved and part of a guidance system in God.
Guidance By the Inner Witness
The Resurrection lives in you! New Testament Christians are not to look for supernatural signs, prophetic words or confirmations. Learn to seek the supernatural God inside of you, who is communicating with us in our inner man at all times.
Praying With the Holy Spirit
Develop your sensitivity and awareness of the Lord in your spirit. Understanding the inner witness as you pray is God’s main means of divine guidance for you.
By Faith, Enoch Was Translated
Enoch is an extraordinary example of the walk God requires for Rapture. Those who will be alive at the coming of the Lord must be sure they are walking fully with Him.
Weekly Downloads of the Month - March 2023
March 2023 Weekly Downloads and Videos – 1-The Righteousness of Faith; 2-Signs and Wonders; 3-Focus, the Path to the Supernatural; 4-Overcoming Giants; 5-Our Words Help Us or Hurt Us; 6-Speaking Wisdom's Words; 7-Living A Transformed Life; 8-Knowing the Voice of God Makes You Different
Knowing the Voice of God Makes You Different
The key to the truly Spirit-led life is hearing God speak to you personally. Learn to go to Him directly with greater consciousness of Him directing your heart.
Living A Transformed Life
Christians are to believe and receive the best, for the transformed life is born of God's Words and His ways.
Speaking Wisdom’s Words
Let us rid our lives of speaking wrong words about ourselves or others. No matter the situation, tell yourself you won’t say what is wrong but will only speak the word of faith about it.
Our Words Help Us or Hurt Us
Make a concerted effort to speak words of life, health, prosperity and happiness, words of Godly creativity, for we are justified as we believe and speak the mind of Christ into our lives and the lives of others.
Overcoming Giants
Find encouragement and instruction from Joshua, Caleb, and Gideon to enter into all that you’ve been promised. The extent of the obstacles is nothing when you know the Lord is with you.
Focus, The Path to the Supernatural
What makes a miracle happen? Learn the essential elements, for the supernatural involves obedience in the natural realm that will vary in every case.
Signs and Wonders
The Lord is calling us into the working knowledge of the Holy Spirit’s gifts so that as we follow Him today, signs and wonders will follow us who believe. Obedience in the natural as He directs us allows Him to perform supernaturally through us.
The Righteousness of Faith
Let Romans 4 be your model for receiving God’s promises and the faith that causes those things that are not to be. As God imputed righteousness to Abraham for his right believing, so He will to us, also, as we believe Him.
Weekly Downloads of the Month - February 2023
February 2023 Weekly Downloads – 1-The Faith of Jesus; 2-Faith for Salvation; 3-How You Hear; 4-Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables; 5-The Word of Faith; 6-Faith in the Authority of Jesus Name; 7-Jesus Is Exalted; 8-Faith in the Tithe
Physical Product (CD) available for $36.00 | FREE SHIPPING
Faith in the Tithe
The word of faith in the tithe for you is to grow your faith in your tithes and offerings. New thoughts on God's promise concerning your finances open the way for new blessings to come your way, even affecting unborn generations.
Jesus Is Exalted
Learn to live in the authority of this exalted Name as a permanent place of abiding in heaven-granted authority that brings Jesus' presence and authority into your situation.
Faith in the Authority of Jesus’ Name
An empowering message about delegated power from our Lord Jesus Christ, whose authority is recognized in three worlds. All must bow to that Name when it is used in faith!
The Word of Faith
True faith in God’s word will always produce the evidence it represents, as Jesus’ faith established facts when He performed miracles by the spoken word of faith that was in His heart.
Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?
Rejection of truth is the issue, for parables are for those who can hear and for those who can’t. Jesus’ disciples know and understand mysteries of the Kingdom of God, the “whys” of things that happen, because of their intentions.
How You Hear
Hearing is receiving. Understand how the kind of listener you are and how you hear will determine your spiritual condition.
Faith for Salvation
Understanding that we’re saved by God’s faith, not our own, sharpens our focus for sharing with others. If anyone desires to be saved, God will supply the grace they need to receive it, for everyone has been given the gift of faith for this free gift from Him.
The Faith of Jesus
Sharpen your focus to increase the God kind of faith that came into your heart when you asked Jesus to come and live in you, the faith by which He created the worlds!
Weekly Downloads of the Month - January 2023
January 2023 Weekly Downloads – 1-2023 Prophecy, War Is At the Gates; 2-2023 Prophecy Explanation; 3-Hope Is Our Abiding Position; 4-Knowing the Victory is Within You; 5-Thoughts Are Causes and Conditions Are Effects; 6-We Are the Ones Who Must Change; 7-Thought and Life Are One; 8-Living A Principled Life; 9-The Way of the Water; 10-Jesus is the Way of the Spirit
Physical Product (CD) available for $36.00 | FREE SHIPPING
Jesus Is the Way of the Spirit
Jesus still is imparting new life into His disciples today. Learn to live by the breath of life, the breath of God, the impartation of His Spirit breathed into you.
The Way of the Water
Water adapts. A philosophical message about what water does shows the need to drink living water from Jesus, the Source. Then we can adapt to anything we need to and remain true to Him at all times.
Living A Principled Life
Only by living by God’s principles do we enter into oneness with the Lord. Learn the interrelationship between trials and love, for the development of our character is what He’s after.
Thought and Life Are One
What you think and how you think make you who and what you are in Jesus. Learn to participate with the process He designed for your life’s purposes, for the character and quality of your life speak about the character and quality of your thoughts.
We Are the Ones Who Must Change
Endeavor this year to unmake last year’s you! Miriam shares Kingdom keys about thoughts and words to build your life anew, afresh and greater this year in Jesus.
Thoughts Are Causes and Conditions Are Effects
Things outside don’t change until you change, for in many situations, you hold within your heart the cause that will create the change you want. Remember that with every thought, you send an energy frequency into the airwaves that reaches a destination.
Knowing the Victory is Within You
Victories require our working with the Lord from the inside. Learn to draw upon His help in you any time and in any situation, for it’s all at your disposal.
Hope Is Our Abiding Position
Anchor your heart in divine hope, the place of no uncertainties that holds you steady in faith until what you're believing for is manifested.
2023 Prophecy Explanation
Build your “ark” with insights into the prophetic word, for Jesus said the last days would be as the days of Noah.
2023 Prophecy, War Is At the Gates
The complete prophetic word given to Miriam Hellman for 2023.