Washington, DC Downloads of the Month – December 2015
December 2015 from Washington, DC– 1 - Joseph Excelled in Emergency Faith; 2 - God Warns the Faithful in His Way; 3 - A Tale of the Glory; 4 - Our Greatest Power is Prayer; 5 - Learning the Prayer Process; 6 - Prayer and Your Faith Reward; 7 - The Feast of Possibilities; 8 - Take On the Heart of A Servant
Take On the Heart of A Servant
Forsake all that doesn't really matter to put on new garments for the new year. Miriam presents what should be in a servant's heart and what the Master serves those who serve Him.
The Feast of Possibilities
A Christmas message about the season of feasting shows how you with God make all things possible.
Prayer and Your Faith Reward
Strengths to appropriate for answers that are the outworking of what God works in you.
Learning the Prayer Process
Stilling the chatter, talking with the Lord instead of to Him, and other keys to your prayer becoming effectual.
Our Greatest Power Is Prayer
Learning the art of prayer and what your heart wants puts reservoirs of power at your disposal.
A Tale of the Glory
The Word became flesh that first Christmas, the glorious beginning of God's dwelling place on the earth.
God Warns the Faithful in His Way
Practical knowledge about how the Lord communicates personally to the meek and quiet spirit.
Joseph Excelled in Emergency Faith
Miriam considers Joseph in the Christmas story, the rhema Word of God, and supernatural faith for emergency situations we may not understand. We will need the special gift of faith in the new year.
Washington, DC Downloads of the Month – November 2015
November 2015 from Washington, DC– 1-Total Commitment Brings the Power; 2-God Has Willed To Love Us With An Everlasting Love; 3-Living in the Glorious State of Thanksgiving; 4-We Are Pilgrims in the Lord's Promised Land; 5-Feed Your Household the Prayers of the Holy Spirit
Feed Your Household the Prayers of the Holy Spirit
Miriam presents the wisdom of arising early to the occasion of prayer with examples of Jesus meeting the day's challenges before the day began.
We Are Pilgrims in the Lord's Promised Land
We eat from thoughts and feelings, not just from natural food. Counter negativity with "Yes, but God is good" for a thanksgiving menu of goodness and mercy.
Living in the Glorious State of Thanksgiving
Miriam’s thanksgiving for your fellowship in the Gospel fulfills a promise to those who are generous with God.
God Has Willed To Love Us With An Everlasting Love
Gain a more perfect understanding of God’s will and love for you that will help you receive His blessings. Miriam defines falling “short of the glory” and the benefits of God’s love that distinguish Him from all others.
Total Commitment Brings the Power
Meet the Lord in a new way. Miriam preaches to those going for the high calling about veils that obscure the path to glory, the cry of your soul, sanctification of the whole man, and the commitment that leads to the issue-free life.
Tulsa Downloads of the Month - October 2015
The October 2015 Tulsa Conference – 1-The Consciousness of the Overcomer Is Victory; 2-Let Your Spirit Be Raised Up in Jesus; 3-The Christian Race Is For the Prize; 4-The Blessings and Warnings Told to the Seven Churches
Washington, DC Downloads of the Month – October 2015
October 2015 from Washington, DC– 1-Jesus, Our Personal Provider; 2-Healing the Broken Hearted; 3-Raising Our Christian Consciousness By the Blood of Jesus; 4-Conscious Awareness of Your Authority in Jesus
Conscious Awareness of Your Authority in Jesus
Spiritual authority from God, the Father, requires heart belief. Miriam is ministering concerning election in God, the soul of Jesus, and the overcomer who is granted a place in His Throne.
The Blessings and Warnings Told to the Seven Churches
October 2015 Tulsa Conference – Developing An Overcoming Consciousness of Victory
The Christian Race Is For the Prize
October 2015 Tulsa Conference – Developing An Overcoming Consciousness of Victory
Let Your Spirit Be Raised Up in Jesus
October 2015 Tulsa Conference – Developing An Overcoming Consciousness of Victory
The Consciousness of the Overcomer Is Victory
October 2015 Tulsa Conference – Developing An Overcoming Consciousness of Victory
Raising Our Christian Consciousness By the Blood of Jesus
Overcome everything not of the Holy Spirit with this instruction in spiritual authority. Filled with anointing for victory, Miriam proclaims deliverance from the power of your enemies with the same consciousness David had against Goliath.
Healing the Broken Hearted
Jesus’ platform for every believer’s recovery of heart and focus mends spirit, soul, and body and restores every one of us to service.
Jesus, Our Personal Provider
Miriam addresses poverty with an answer from the Kingdom of God while equipping the church to minister to the needs of the world.
Tulsa Downloads of the Month - September 2015
The September 2015 Tulsa Conference – 1-Take Your Seat; 2-Election and Unconditional Grace; 3-Divine Coverage by Continual Abiding; 4-Commitment to God's Ultimate Strategy
Washington, DC Downloads of the Month – September 2015
September 2015 from Washington, DC– 1-Pursuing An Issue-Free Life/Purified for Take Off; 2-What Does It Mean That Our Citizenship Is In Heaven?; 3-The Resurrection of Jesus Makes Us Elected Officials; 4-Victory Has Many Faces
Commitment to God's Ultimate Strategy
September 2015 Tulsa Conference - Becoming Qualified for the Rapture
Divine Coverage by Continual Abiding
September 2015 Tulsa Conference - Becoming Qualified for the Rapture
Election and Unconditional Grace
September 2015 Tulsa Conference - Becoming Qualified for the Rapture
Take Your Seat
September 2015 Tulsa Conference - Becoming Qualified for the Rapture
Victory Has Many Faces
Let the exceeding greatness of God’s power work in your distress with this meditation that makes you right with God and more than a conqueror.
The Resurrection of Jesus Makes Us Elected Officials
If you have been drawn to Jesus, you are elected to play a role in this world. Miriam presents the grace conferred with the help of the Holy Spirit so you fulfill your election.
2015-0915TU-DC $8.00
What Does It Mean That Our Citizenship Is In Heaven?
Miriam Hellman addresses conversation, removing spots and wrinkles, and living as one would in Heaven to get you ready for your high calling in Christ Jesus.
2015-0913SU-DC $8.00
Pursuing An Issue-Free Life/Purified for Take Off
Overcome pre-occupations to free your heart from its problems. Miriam ministers about myrrh and the way to holiness.
August 2015 Tulsa Conference - We Await the Rapture of the Church
Symbolic messages in Israel’s Fall Feasts show why the Rapture of the Church will occur at a future Feast of Trumpets. Miriam Hellman explains how Jesus ultimately will fulfill Rosh Ha Shana, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles, and what it means for Israel, the Church, His Body, and the world. Includes these 4 messages: Like the Days of Simeon and Anna, We Await the Rapture, Yom Kippur and the Blood of Jesus, Feast of Tabernacles and the Second Regathering of Israel. Includes these messages: 1-Like the Days of Simeon and Anna; 2-We Await the Rapture; 3-Yom Kippur and the Blood of Jesus; 4-Feast of Tabernacles and the Second Regathering of Israel
Washington, DC Downloads of the Month – August 2015
August 2015 from Washington, DC– 1-Mastering Redemption; 2-The Secret to Becoming More Than A Conqueror; 3-The Nature of Working Out Your Own Salvation; 4-Grace Is A Gift of Living Water
Feast of Tabernacles and the Second Regathering of Israel
August 2015 Tulsa Conference – We Await the Rapture of the Church
Yom Kippur and the Blood of Jesus
August 2015 Tulsa Conference – We Await the Rapture of the Church
We Await the Rapture
August 2015 Tulsa Conference – We Await the Rapture of the Church
Like the Days of Simeon and Anna
August 2015 Tulsa Conference – We Await the Rapture of the Church
2015-0828FR-OK $8.00
How To Draw Water From the Wells of Salvation
Miriam explains contact and transmission – how to touch God with your spirit for every area of grace you need and receive of Him for your blessing – and know Him better.
Grace Is A Gift of Living Water
Ask the Lord for living grace, and know it is there for whatever you need. The Holy Spirit unveils the Gospel of John concerning Jesus and the woman at the well so dehydrated souls never thirst again.
The Nature of Working Out Your Own Salvation
A key of knowledge for growth in grace and in the likeness of Jesus is the very act of willing to do God's good pleasure.
The Secret to Becoming More Than A Conqueror
Changing the world is possible with this internal transformation to a source of power that is way beyond you. Take these steps into adequacy for so great a task.
Mastering Redemption
A treasure worth finding: how to master the residue of all past mistakes for a future without mistakes.
Knowing Your Personal Timings (The July 2015 Summer Campmeeting)
One of the most important things in life is knowing the right time for something. This series will help you know what you should do and when to do it. Includes these messages: 1-The Ecclesiastes Approach to Life; 2-Guard Your Personal Timings; 3-Personal Timings and Life's Crossroads; 4-Let Faith Reign At All Times
Washington, DC Downloads of the Month - July 2015
July 2015 from Washington, DC- 1-Let the Lord Take You On the Journey to His High Mountain; 2-Make Your Adjustment to the Holy Spirit; 3-Make the Holy Spirit Your Constant Companion; 4-Fellowship With the Holy Spirit
Let Faith Reign At All Times
Summer Campmeeting 2015 - Knowing Your Personal Timings
Personal Timings and Life's Crossroads
Summer Campmeeting 2015 - Knowing Your Personal Timings
Guard Your Personal Timings
Summer Campmeeting 2015 - Knowing Your Personal Timings
The Ecclesiastes Approach to Life
Summer Campmeeting 2015 - Knowing Your Personal Timings
Fellowship With the Holy Spirit
He draws you into deeper fellowship as Miriam speaks about His holy work: setting us apart for His purposes and bringing us into acts of faith in perfect harmony with the mind of God.
Make the Holy Spirit Your Constant Companion
Jesus cannot be seen without us making room for the Holy Spirit. Appreciating these specifics about what He does for you and to you will make Him more at home in you.
Make Your Adjustment to the Holy Spirit
What is the Holy Spirit ready to do for you? His ministry to you and through you is the most important issue of your Christian life.
Let the Lord Take You On the Journey to His High Mountain
Your invitation to the Mount of Transfiguration for greater light, greater understanding, to deal with more difficult situations, even in prayer.
The June 2015 Tulsa Conference
The June 2015 Tulsa Conference - The Apostolic Ministry of Storming the Gates of Hell - Includes these messages: 1-The Harvest Fields Are Waiting For You; 2-The Rod and Its Fruit; 3-Ask for the Nations of Your Inheritance; 4-Mastering the Understandings of Apostolic Ministry.
Washington, DC Downloads of the Month - June 2015
June 2015 from Washington, DC- 1-A Message for the Workers in the Vineyard; 2-Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen; 3-Broken Faith Can Be Repaired.
Broken Faith Can Be Repaired
Your relationship with the Lord and your spiritual condition are increasingly important today. Here is how to carry Jesus' level of faith at all times for whenever your faith may be needed.
Mastering the Understandings of Apostolic Ministry
June 2015 Tulsa Conference - The Apostolic Ministry of Storming the Gates of Hell
Ask for the Nations of Your Inheritance
June 2015 Tulsa Conference - The Apostolic Ministry of Storming the Gates of Hell
The Rod and Its Fruit
June 2015 Tulsa Conference - The Apostolic Ministry of Storming the Gates of Hell
The Harvest Fields Are Waiting For You
June 2015 Tulsa Conference - The Apostolic Ministry of Storming the Gates of Hell
Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen
Miriam speaks from Jesus' parables concerning wedding garments and the preparation necessary for being brought into the presence of God.
A Message for the Workers in the Vineyard
You will know why few are chosen and when the first become last with this understanding of the spirit required for service.
Tulsa Downloads of the Month - May 2015
The May 2015 Tulsa Conference - How to Release the Power of Christ In You - Includes these messages: 1-Prayer Power Comes From Christ In You; 2-Don't Block the Power of Christ in You; 3-Harnessing the Power of Christ in You; 4-The God of Miracles Lives in You.
Washington, DC Downloads of the Month - May 2015
May 2015 from Washington, DC - 1-Let Us Celebrate the Future by Proving God to Be True; 2-What Are We to Believe and Do; 3-Still Waters and Deep Things of God; 4-They'll Hear Us When Our Hearts Are Right; 5-Make the Joy Connection; 6-The Greatest Revelation of this Life; 7-His Witness Demonstrates That He Lives in Us; 8-All Are Called to Apostolic Ministry.
All Are Called to Apostolic Ministry
You do not need a title: every Christian is called to apostolic ministry. Understand your role in the final sowing of the Gospel with insight into Acts 16 for the calling out of all nations those who will believe on the Name of the Lord.
His Witness Demonstrates That He Lives In Us
Receive power to live effectively despite times and seasons and witness miracles among those who fulfill the command of Pentecost.
Prayer Power Comes From Christ In You
May 2015 Tulsa Conference - How to Release the Power of Christ In You
Don't Block the Power of Christ In You
May 2015 Tulsa Conference - How to Release the Power of Christ In You
Harnessing the Power of Christ In You
May 2015 Tulsa Conference - How to Release the Power of Christ In You
Still Waters and the Deep Things of God
When your depths are kept by the still waters of God, you can move as God moves in the earth. Miriam ministers how Stephen received a manifestation of the Lord, finding Him in every right thought, in her message about the disciples' obedience to larger freedoms and living in glory.
What Are We To Believe and Do?
A lesson about boldness before God and in the proclamation of the Gospel, for He wants to see us bold - and He likes it.
Let Us Celebrate the Future by Proving God To Be True
Miriam preaches about Ananias and Sapphira to reveal things about giving that bring God's intervention into our lives.
Tulsa Downloads of the Month - April 2015
The April 2015 Tulsa Conference: Accomplishing Life Transitions by the Holy Spirit - Includes these messages: 1-Let the Process Begin; 2-Grace Is the Means of Transition; 3-The Blood-Washed Conscience; 4-To Be Seated in Heavenly Places.
Washington, DC Downloads of the Month - April 2015
April 2015 from Washington, DC - 1-Resurrection Is the Fulfillment of the Feast of Firstfruits; 2-We Have A New Asset: Resurrection Seed; 3-Jesus' Approach to Reaching the Lost; 4-Say "Yes" to the Holy Spirit; 5-The Holy Spirit's Emancipation From Within; 6-The Promise of the Holy Ghost.
The Promise of the Holy Ghost
Miriam ministers about the Day of Pentecost and the church's transition into full partnership with God.
To Be Seated in Heavenly Places
April 2015 Tulsa Conference - Accomplishing Life Transitions by the Holy Spirit
The Blood-Washed Conscience
April 2015 Tulsa Conference - Accomplishing Life Transitions by the Holy Spirit
Grace Is the Means of Transition
April 2015 Tulsa Conference - Accomplishing Life Transitions by the Holy Spirit
Let the Process Begin
April 2015 Tulsa Conference - Accomplishing Life Transitions by the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit's Emancipation From Within
What does the Day of Pentecost have in common with the American Dream? Miriam's message about how the Holy Spirit elevates both slave and free demonstrates His method of bringing about social justice for a day when these issues are at the forefront again.
Say "Yes" to the Holy Spirit
Miriam ministers from the Book of Acts about what made the disciples spiritually fit to turn the world upside down.
Jesus' Approach To Reaching the Lost
Reach the world with the approach presented in the Gospels: full of grace and by the Spirit.
We Have A New Asset: Resurrection Seed
Incorruptible seed doesn't bind you to your physical senses. Miriam ministers from Jesus' words to Thomas about believing, the greatest sight there is, and the means by which you receive from the power of God to live the resurrected life with ease.
Resurrection Is the Fulfillment of the Feast of Firstfruits
Discover how Jesus' resurrection guarantees the resurrection of all mankind as Miriam ministers concerning the afikomen in the Passover Seder, the significance of the feast of firstfruits, the resurrected bodies we will receive, and knowing the Lord as the Father of your resurrection now.
Tulsa Downloads of the Month - March 2015
The March 2015 Tulsa Conference: Gifts of the Resurrection - Includes these messages: 1-The Gift of Resurrection Power; 2-The Gift of Enlightenment; 3-The Resurrection Gifts of God's Ability; 4-Resurrection Rewards and Privileges.
Washington, DC Downloads of the Month - March 2015
March 2015 from Washington, DC - 1-By the Spirit, We Are Blessed and A Blessing; 2-Pray Till the Place Shakes;3-The Urim and Thummim Are In You; 4-Search Me, O Lord; 5-Know the Way of the Battle; 6-Will You Pass Over?
Will You Pass Over?
Passover sets one apart from the world in an abrupt departure from a past life into new ventures with God. Miriam shares the profound symbolism of this feast, including the cup of redemption Jesus took when He instituted the Last Supper.
Resurrection Rewards and Privileges
March 2015 Tulsa Conference - Gifts of the Resurrection
The Resurrection Gifts of God's Ability
March 2015 Tulsa Conference - Gifts of the Resurrection
The Gift of Enlightenment
March 2015 Tulsa Conference - Gifts of the Resurrection
The Gift of Resurrection Power
March 2015 Tulsa Conference - Gifts of the Resurrection
Know the Way of the Battle
Face today's challenges as a conqueror with deliverance from the "group spirit" accompanying your Goliath.
Search Me, O Lord
A message at Lent about compassion and confession with a revelation of our heavenly Father that draws you closer to Him.
The Urim and Thummim Are In You
Miriam ministers concerning the spiritual equipment given to believers to know the will of God. Anyone asking how to hear the voice of God will find their answers here.
Pray Till the Place Shakes
Grow in grace and authority in the Name of Jesus until you make your enemy bow his knee. Miriam preaches from Acts about the model prayer for the day.Grow in grace and authority in the Name of Jesus until you make your enemy bow his knee. Miriam preaches from Acts about the model prayer for the day.
By the Spirit, We Are Blessed and A Blessing
We know we have lost our original anointings when we try so hard to receive by ourselves. Find renewing and refreshing in this uplifting message explaining "not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord."
Tulsa Downloads of the Month - February 2015
The February 2015 Tulsa Conference draws parallels between Moses' character and choices and the church, for the same traits Moses had are needed for a calling in God today. Includes these messages: 1-Moses' Character; 2-Moses' Transition and Transformation; 3-Revelation Brings Resolution; 4-Jesus' Cross Becomes the Rod of God.
Washington, DC Downloads of the Month - February 2015
A study of Moses in February 2015 from Washington, DC comprises resolve, leadership, courage, and conquering enemies. Miriam teaches from Exodus about Moses' staff, the instrument of divine power that humiliated the gods of Egypt, and the battles God will fight with you instead of for you. Includes these messages: 1-Moses' Resolve; 2- Contending for the Promised Land; 3-Our Staff Is the Cross of Jesus.
Our Staff Is the Cross of Jesus
Parallels between Moses' staff, the instrument of divine power that humiliated the gods of Egypt, and Jesus' cross that confronts the powers of the Age.
Jesus' Cross Becomes the Rod of God
February 2015 Tulsa Conference - The Parallel Ministries of Moses and Paul
Revelation Brings Resolution
February 2015 Tulsa Conference - The Parallel Ministries of Moses and Paul
Moses' Character
February 2015 Tulsa Conference - The Parallel Ministries of Moses and Paul
Moses' Transition and Transformation
February 2015 Tulsa Conference - The Parallel Ministries of Moses and Paul
Contending for the Promised Land
"Be willing to pay the cost of conquering your enemies. Too many are waiting for God to fight for them." Miriam teaches from Exodus about working with God in the battles He will fight with you.
Moses' Resolve
Moses' resolution to forsake Egypt applies to each of us today. Lessons in leadership, responsibility, endurance and courage in keeping with this year's prophecy about turning the corner in our own lives.
Choices Aligned With Destiny
Understand the nature of Moses' choices and your own to become an instrument of redemption.
Moses' Transition to Transformation
What is in your hand? Let Moses' staff becoming the rod of God help you see where the hand of God rests upon you.
Who Was Moses, the Man?
This study of Moses begins by examining the role of his character in his call, for God is watching today to see what each of us will do.
Knowing the Secret of His Anointing
January 2015 New Year's Conference - Like the Days of Esther
Experiencing Jesus Is Tasting His Power
January 2015 New Year's Conference - Like the Days of Esther
Like the Days of Esther
January 2015 New Year's Conference - Like the Days of Esther
2015 Prophecy
January 2015 New Year's Conference - Like the Days of Esther
Elements of the 2015 Prophecy
Miriam examines aspects of the prophetic word for 2015 that help us walk like Jesus in a day of heightened tensions.