Israel 2009
Sowing the Promise of the Promised Land
Israel is in my hand. What shall I do?
Thirty-five American and British citizens answered the call of the Lord to sow the map of His promised land. We distributed nearly 7000 cards showing the biblical borders of the land God promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants, and the response was overwhelming. When Miriam Hellman had the vision that initiated this work, the Lord said He was sowing the map of His promises. Executing the heavenly vision in His timing brought enormous success, for He truly went before us and opened the way. We ministered the way of victory over culture. People are hungry, needing to be filled, and we are eager to return.
Our trip began with a communion service at the Garden Tomb, with Miriam Hellman ministering.
Miriam and Richard Hellman with Shalom and Miriam Eilati. Shalom Eilati was dramatically saved from the Holocaust as an 11-year-old child, when his mother arranged for him to flee the ghetto to live with righteous Gentiles. He spoke to us from his book, Crossing the River, which presents his remarkable experience from a child's point of view and serves as a warning for today.
Former Ambassador Yoram Ettinger's address, The Impact of the Proposed Palestinian State on Vital U. S. National Security Interest, presents a valuable history lesson and insightful analysis.
This antiquities shop owner was thrilled to add Elijah at the Seder to the collection of Elijah paintings already in her home.
Israelis from all walks of life welcomed the Promised Land cards - and us. Many people took stacks of cards for their friends.
Special conversations opened hearts and left a wealth of blessings behind.
Shopkeepers received the cards gladly. We wanted to reach people far and wide, and especially young people, soldiers, and people in high places. God answered each request by ordering our steps and filling our mouths so that each person's unique gifts and callings reaped a harvest.
We were ushered into a Jerusalem yeshiva with students from all over the world. The rabbi shared great truths about spiritual destiny with our delegation and encouraged our work.
Music drew a crowd in Caesarea, and our cards led a seventh generation Israeli with the Nahal combat unit to check us out. Our guide's description of us as Christians and as friends answered her concern, and she took cards for her entire infantry unit.
This company assignment was the ministry of the love of God, the greatest answer to everything. It opens another man's heart, and love was returned. Mutual bonds were formed, as love, gifts, opportunities, and invitations were sent back to us by the people. This new and very different work, surpassing preaching of the past, inoculated thousands against fear and doubt. The phenomenal response makes it our finest hour.
The Mission: This June 2009 trip was an apostolic mission. Our mission was to build up Zion. I saw the Lord building up each of us, Zionist, as we followed the Holy Spirit into the land and allowed Him to direct us to the people we would connect with. There was a specific ministry to each individual we connected with. The mission was to listen and respond “effectively”. This required knowing what you believed and knowing why you believed it. I realized that whatever I really believe about this is what I will impart. There were those with questions, disagreements, various views and other alignments. There were those who did agree but saw no reason to “hold the line”. There were those who readily received. No matter the position of the one in front of us, we had to believe what we believed and know why because there was an impartation taking place, an impartation of belief. It was much more than the sowing of cards or the vision of the land, not to minimize the significance of that alone. There was in impartation of thought, whatever the thought; there was in impartation of belief, whatever the belief. Whatever was present in my thoughts at that moment was being imparted to that person. I watched this in myself and in other members of the company as we walked about the land and among the people.
It begged the questions, “what are you passionate about?”, “how do you know you are passionate about it?”, “what is the evidence of your passion?”; “can others identify that passion in you?” If you are passionate about the truth of God’s Word, then you bring that passion and are able to impart it. Likewise, if you are passionate about fear, to use an example, then fear is what you bring and fear is what you impart. I recognized how important it was and is to know where our loyalties abide. Are we correctly aligned with Christ? Are we more loyal to family or self than to Him or Holy Spirit? Misplaced alignments and loyalties can compromise a mission. I’m not making a statement about any one person, just observations of the conditions that were necessary to the assignment.
There are several specific people I met that I will remember, the young lady in the Ahava shop that clearly understood the issue and declared, “They don’t want our land, they want us! They want us dead!” She wanted to wear the card on her the lapel of her clothing for all who enter her shop to see. She embraced our message and thanked us for coming with a message of hope. I’ll remember the young man whose grandfather had returned from Russia. He was so moved that he just held the card to his heart and said, “thank you”. “How is that you understand these things?” The young lady in the swim suit shop who said, “You are giving me chills. The hairs on my arms are standing up that you would do this for us. Can I have more cards to take to my family?” I’ll also remember those who said, “Thanks but we are tired of fighting and we want peace, let them have the land”.
PM made a deposit in the land and into the hands and hearts and even into the thoughts of the people of Israel. It was a privilege to participate with such a spectacular company of people doing such a spectacular work with God.
The Company: I looked around each day as I went out with various groups into the land and I could not help but to notice the strength of the company of PM. Each person brought a gift and talent and a character and strength unique to them. I was impressed with the company, now gathered in one place for one unique work, but comprised of people from various locations: Washington DC, Vancouver, California, Little Rock, Tulsa, Oregon, the UK and other places all over the US. It spoke very clearly of the leadership, namely of Miriam Hellman, that we could come together from all over the US and outside of the US and be in one accord and have a single vision, a single mission, and single focus. There was such a unity of spirit and a oneness of mind and oneness of spirit. It was as if we all meet in the same place every Sunday, week after week and we don’t. In fact, I’ve seen less unity among some who do meet that way. I think this speaks directly to the fact that Miriam hears God and lives by the direction of Holy Spirit, and we who partake live the same way. So God remains the center of the work. It was indeed a pleasure to participate with this company of believers. I was humbled when I was reminded of the statement we are all familiar with, “show me your friends and I’ll show you you”. Wow!! I thought, here are my friends. Here is the company I keep. Wow!!
Personal: There were two specific things that stood out for me: Steve Forrester in the Jordan baptism. There was such a presence of God with Steve, when I touched his hands in the water, I nearly fell over.
It was the feeling of electricity. The laughter: In the midst of the work - and we did work - God blessed us with great laughter. We laughed until we cried tears and our sides hurt. We laughed with those we don’t get to laugh with often, and there was a healing that came from the laughter. Even to hear those who were laughing was exciting, because God was doing something in the laughter. It was like refreshing rain after a long day.
To Miriam: It is an honor to serve God under your leadership. Thank you for allowing us to participate in such a direct and critical way. It was a thrill to be on the field and not on the sidelines. (S. A.)
I understood that this trip would be different, and I was ready and prepared to go on the mission without touring at all. God is so good and Miriam such a blessing to allow us to tour and plant seed. I truly believe I was given a double blessing by being able to see the land and meet the people on my very first trip to Israel. The experience of being baptized in the Jordan River and visiting the Garden Tomb, Megiddo, and other sites defies description. For me, it opened up a whole new world and understanding of Scripture that would be hard to obtain in any other way.
But the experience of passing out the cards and having the opportunity to speak with the Jewish people and sow hope where there was none far outweighed those experiences, which were so tremendous I can hardly put words to them. I realize that we can plant seed anywhere and everywhere, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Some will usually land on good ground, but if we truly move with the Holy Spirit and plant where directed, nothing is wasted, and all is grown as the Lord designs. (L. B.)
Our first encounter was in a small gift shop with an elderly shopkeeper. As we were led, we asked if we could give her the card. She accepted, stared at the card, said she understood the Promised Land, and began
to weep. She said she was very scared. She told us the Arabs had come to her shop, like we had, and said they came in peace. They then planted bombs all over the area and blew it up. She again said she was very scared, because it wasn't so much about their land but they wanted to kill the Jews. By that point, she was sobbing. I asked if we could pray for her. When she said "Why not," we laid hands on her and began to pray in the name of Jesus. She was very relaxed, and as we prayed for peace to her heart, she spoke out, asking God to save their land. What an awesome God we serve.
Then we walked into a shop selling menorahs and other Jewish items. We spoke with the owner, a young man in his early twenties, and his wife about the card. He was taken aback by the card and its meaning. When asked if he'd like some to take to his friends, he said the impact was so great when delivered by us he could not match that. He admonished us to continue on with our delivery because it was much needed.
In the next shop, we met two young ladies. We offered the card to one, and her face lit up as if she had been handed the most precious of gifts. When the other young lady came over to see what her friend was so elated with, we gave her a card, also. They were so thankful that we had come to support the people of Israel. As we exited the shop, we looked back and saw the one young woman placing her card in her bag very carefully, as if she were preserving a treasure.
We gave out many other cards in the area, and all received them with joy and thankfulness that we had come from the U.S. to bring them hope. They told us the Jews were only a small population, and they need the support of the Christians. (L. B.)
The Word of the Lord to the Prophetic Ministries Company
Received by Miriam Hellman June 28, 2009
You are My drops of refreshing rain. You have been used in this time in Israel to water My very dry and parched land. And you will be used again when I choose to refresh by My Spirit.
You will be My clouds of glory, and I will direct your movements so as in the days of ages past, the tribes of Israel moved when My cloud of glory moved. So today, you will be My sun shower. Each of you will be a supernatural drop of rain of My refreshing. You as a company will be recognized as My refreshing force to the appointed times of refreshing in Me. I have appointed you, and henceforth you are My refreshing force in the earth.
And I had a vision of each person being transformed into a raindrop that was multicolored with all the spectrum of the rainbow. You just sort of fell upon individuals and refreshed the entire being.
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