India Glory Conference Webinar

miriam assembly







Right after our annual New Year’s conference, Miriam and Linda left for Trichy at the invitation of Rev. Victor Gnanaraj.  He had invited local pastors to Zion Faith Tabernacle’s Glory Conference, and his team coordinated an online audience of thousands who watched it live across the globe.  Daughter Elsie Daniels did most of the translating, and the glory of God was upon the meetings in a profound way.

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Miriam received a vision of the Lord sending golden scrolls down from heaven and placing His hand upon people's shoulders so they would receive their scrolls. He said if they will accept the responsibility of the scroll, it will unfold the works of glory given to each individual, the revelation of the unfolding of the testimony of Jesus in their lives. 

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We thank the Lord for this golden door that He opened for His purposes, and we thank Brother Victor and his family for years of anointed ministry and invaluable friendship.

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